Ugh. Here we go again…
Verse 1
I wake up and I’m feeling exhausted
Went to bed at like 3 in the morning
Stayed awake just staring at my phone
Shoulda put it down but couldn’t leave it alone
Wasn’t even looking at anything decent
Just scrolling aimlessly for no reason
I know I’ve only got myself to blame
The worst part is the night before was the same
They say that you need 8 hours a night
Ha, I’m lucky if I even get 5
I never feel revived, barely alive
Wait, can you die from being sleep deprived?
It’s at that moment that I decide right
Tonight’s the night I break the habit of a lifetime
In bed by 9, light’s out by 10
That’s if I even make til then
Chorus x 2
I need sleep, sleep, sleep
I should be having sweet, sweet, dreams
But I just keep keep keep
Staring at my screen, screen, screen
Aw man, why do I do this to myself?
I’m literally my own worst enemy
Something’s gotta change
I can’t go on like this!
Verse 2
I stumble through the day feeling like a zombie
Who’s body’s been powered purely by coffee
I drink about 20 cups without flinching
You know it’s bad when you don’t even mind instant (ugh)
By some miracle I make it to the evening
Stick a bit of Netflix on while I’m eating
It’s gets to 9 o’clock and I should hit the hay
But the next episode’s started to play…
3 hours later I drag myself to bed
Asking “How the hell did this happen again?”
I take out my phone and place it on the unit
Face down though coz I’m refusing to use it
But now I’m lying here staring at the ceiling
Tossing and turning, anything but sleeping
It’s the first time today that I’ve felt alert
Ah one little look won’t hurt…
I need sleep, sleep, sleep
I should be having sweet, sweet, dreams
But I just keep keep keep
Staring at my screen, screen, screen
Man I need sleep, sleep, sleep
So badly I could scream, scream, scream
I should be counting sheep, sheep, sheep
But I’m looking at memes, memes, memes
What is actually wrong with me?
I genuinely think I’ve got a problem.
I’m gonna Google it…
No! Just Go. To. Sleep!